Facebook Bug Bounty 2014: Linkshim Evasion and URL Redirection
11:22 AM
Web applications frequently redirect and forward users to
other pages and websites, and use untrusted data to determine the destination
pages. Without proper validation, attackers can redirect victims to phishing or
malware sites, or use forwards to access unauthorized pages.
An unaware user is most probably tricked by attackers to a
malware site or a phishing site and gets infected by various types of attacks
like leading to complete system compromise. This is caused because of
improperly sanitized user redirect script or similar cases. Such attacks can be
classified into many ways and some found on huge social media sites like
so I figured that can lead to a URL redirection if I changed
the continue parameter to something like http://evilzone.org
but the Linkshim was rechecking and returning it back to m.facebook.com/http://evilzone.org
so the redirection wasn’t successful but then I noticed that parameter can be
tricked using path transversal tricks like ../
So when I gave the url parameter something like &continue=../http://evilzone.org I was able to
bypass the Linkshim and get a successful redirection to Evilzone.org (which by
the way is a blocked link by Facebook)
So the full parameter for redirection including the Linkshim
evasion was
And none of
the other parameters needs to be accurate; the story_fbid and id parameters can
be any number so we don’t need victim’s special parameters to execute
Now the issue
have been fixed and Facebook has promised to reward me with 1000$USD for this
bug. I would like to thank the Facebook Security Team so much for their cool
support and generous amount.
^_^ <3
ReplyDeleteRecently I was browsing through Facebook mobile (m.facebook.com) and I found a notification that a friend tagged me into a post… well the post wasn’t that interesting so I decided to hide it. When clicking on hide I notice the URL parameter contained a parameter called ‘continue’ followed by stories.
ReplyDeleteRecently I was browsing through Facebook mobile (m.facebook.com) and I found a notification that a friend tagged me into a post… well the post wasn’t that interesting so I decided to hide it. When clicking on hide I notice the URL parameter contained a parameter called ‘continue’ followed by stories.
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